Saturday, February 11, 2012

Waste Not, Want Not

My husband and I have always tried to be as budget-conscious as possible, but I've always been frustrated with the size of our grocery bill (since it's just the 2 of us) and the amount of food that ends up getting thrown out!  So, I've recently become a big fan of my freezer!  Since I had today to myself, I chopped up a couple large onions and 3 bell peppers that I bought fairly inexpensively from Aldi this past week, stuck them in freezer bags (keeping out what I actually needed for dinner tonight), and put them in the freezer! I also found some meat WAY on sale because it's final sale day is today, so I threw those in the freezer too!  I recently bought a big box of yogurts at Sam's for a good price and those also ended up in my freezer! YES, you CAN freeze yogurt.  I take out 5 or 6 for the week, and they thaw in the fridge over night and are good to go for the week!  Bananas (out of the peel) also freeze amazingly well--I use them in my smoothies.
My goal is to not throw out any food!  I'm getting there... one freezer bag at a time! :)